
Product Security Engineer at Pure Storage. His redesign of TCP in Tor reduced delay, jitter, and prevented timing attacks. He is a senior scientist at Mozilla.

Recent Publications

  • Camilo Viecco and L. Jean Camp. A risk based approach to limit the effects of covert channels for internet sensor data aggregators for sensor privacy. Trust Management III, pp 234--251, 2009.
    Note: Springer. [bibtex-entry]

  • Camilo Viecco and L. Jean Camp. a life or death infosec subversion. IEEE Security & Privacy, 6(5):74--76, 2008.
    Note: IEEE. [bibtex-entry]

  • Alex Tsow, Camilo Viecco, and L. Jean Camp. Privacy-aware architecture for sharing web histories. IBM Systems Journal, 3:5--13, 2007.
    Keywords: Economics of Security. [bibtex-entry]

  • Personal Website / CV

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